The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

The original reception and the original reviews of this movie are really something to stick with, as they speak nothing but the truth. As Frank S. Nugent of New York Times said back in the day: “(It’s) a richly produced, bravely bedecked, romantic and colorful...


Life can be pretty hilarious sometimes, yet there are moments of sadness as well. The people and the situations that we encounter on a daily basis might as well be very serious or completely silly. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” represents a perfect blend of...
Movie Review Guide

Movie Review Guide

Whether you comment on movies online, or just talk about them casually and give your opinions or recommendations to friends, you could be considered a ‘film critic’. Every one of us is a film critic of their own nowadays. And anyone can do a decent,...
After the Storm

After the Storm

Harping on his past radiance as a prize-winning creator, Ryota (Hiroshi Abe) squanders any cash he makes as a private investigator on betting and can scarcely bring home the bacon or pay youngster bolster for his child. He profits by offering his own particular...