More than a million minutes of historical video added to YouTube | The Verge
Associated Press and British Movietone are uploading more than a million minutes of footage to YouTube that documents the most momentous and historic events of the last 120 years. Two channels will feature more than 550,000 videos, including clips that …
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Video creators still strongly favor YouTube over Facebook
Although Facebook has recently made some headway in narrowing the video viewing gap with YouTube, content creators have continued to find more success on YouTube, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. In recent months, Facebook has …
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Planned Parenthood Worries Future Video Will Show it Dissecting Aborted Babies
In that letter, Planned Parenthood seeks to get in front of further scandal by speculating what it thinks will be on future damaging investigative videos by CMP. This includes an admission that CMP investigators may have video of actual tissue …