Norwegian Wood is the story of Toru Watanabe, a boy who is harmed by the suicide of his high school pal, Kizuki. Toru falls for Kizuki’s tortured sweetheart, Naoko, who is isolated in her own mind. When she goes into a mental healthcare facility, he guarantees to wait for her. However, he falls in love with Midori, an open and uninhibited woman who represents life. Toru is filled with guilt when Naoko kills herself, but eventually he calls out to Midori.
The novel starts when Toru is thirty-seven, keeping in mind the occasions that happened to him twenty years ago. In high school, Toru, his buddy Kizuki, and Kizuki’s sweetheart Naoko are inseparable. They are all bound together by Kizuki. Kizuki’s suicide throws Naoko and Toru into anxiety. Both opt to participate in colleges in Tokyo, where they can avoid their pasts.
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Toru encounters Naoko one day while he remains in college, and the two start to see each other every Sunday. They go on long strolls through Tokyo. Naoko has problem talking and expressing herself, they invest every Sunday together. On Naoko’s birthday, Toru brings her a cake, and they invest the night drinking wine and paying attention to music. Naoko talks continuously, however she appears to be avoiding certain topics. Then she breaks down in tears. Toru makes love to her, but the next day she vanishes. Toru writes to her and longs for her however hears absolutely nothing for a long while.
When Naoko finally writes to Toru, he discovers she’s had a psychological breakdown and remains in an insane asylum. While he awaits her, Toru goes to works and classes, remaining separated till he meets Midori, a girl who appears then disappears for days or weeks. He goes to visit her at her family’s bookstore, and they share a kiss although each is connected to another.
Toru goes to visit Naoko at the mental hospital, and he shares a day with her walking in a meadow. It’s the closest he ever is to Naoko, and she tells him about her sibling, who also eliminated herself when Naoko was young. Naoko asks Toru to always remember her, and Toru asks her to live with him when she gets out of the sanatorium.
After the check out, however, Toru falls in love with Midori. Midori has been through the deaths of both of her moms and dads from brain cancer, and she is exhausted with looking after others. She desires somebody who will look after her. When he recognizes he is in love with Midori, Toru does not understand exactly what to do. He asks Midori to wait while he sorts things out with Naoko. Naoko takes a turn for the worse. She eliminates herself, and Toru is flung into a pit of guilt, sorrow, and despair. Toru circumnavigates Japan, alone with his sorrow. When he lastly starts to emerge, he calls Midori from a pit of depression.
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